Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Spirit's work

Lately, I have been thinking about the Holy Spirit's work in salvation. I am planning to blog more on this in a chapter review on (another blog to which I contribute). But for now, I want to rejoice that God was able to use me this past week in the saving of His people.

Our church had a soccer camp where kids could come, learn about soccer and hear the gospel. The week went very well and I think many important contacts were made. Leading up to this past week, I had no specific job for this camp and, truthfully, I was relieved with no pressure of responsibility. But, I soon found myself helping with registration and covering for other coaches who needed a substitute.

A prayer of mine, along with other workers, was that the gospel would be presented clearly and that some would be saved. As I was asking my group on the last night if they had any questions regarding what was taught, a boy raised his hand requesting to be saved. He made a profession of faith in Christ that night.

He was able to explain clearly his need for salvation from his sins through the work of Christ on the cross. Obviously, the Spirit was at work in his life- a work which many times we overlook or ignore. It is the Spirit who unites us with Christ, a unification which can and will never be ammended.

Soli Deo Gloria- May God alone be praised.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


The higher, overarching purposes of God is an area much too difficult to fully comprehend with the human imagination. The way God works in His universe is high and incomprehensible. Amazingly, He fully reserves this right. It is the right of God to govern His world according to His desires. My recent study and reflection on Habakkuk has produced in me a deeper appreciation for the book. The prophet questions the working of God in the world and God responds by defending His justice. At the culmination of the book, the prophet excercises faith in the purposes of God.

I will be speaking this Sunday on the book of Habakkuk and plan to get deeper with future posts. Read through the book in one sitting.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The incarnation: a practiced doctine

Last week at my church, I taught the college and career group on the incarnation and am continuing it this Sunday. We talked through some of the theological concepts and implications of the doctrine last week and plan on getting a little more practical this week. Our text is Philippians 2:1-11. Inherent within this passage is how the incarnation is lived out, including a direct connection with what it means to have the mind of Christ. Check the text out and add your thoughts to the conversation.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A great reminder to Christians

Here is the link to a great message by Mr. Phil Burggraff (our chapel speaker last week and a resident professor of Bible). I think it is quite balanced and a great reminder. I plan to post a little later, but check it out now.

(You will need to scroll to Mr. Burggraff's name once you get to the page).

Friday, September 19, 2008

Lowering the drinking age

I was thinking on what to blog on and it occurred to me that I was listening to a "Dr. Phil" discussion (yeah I know, Dr. Phil) on whether or not it is a good idea to lower the drinking age from 21 to 18. According to the show, this law is up for change soon and is apparently a current issue. The argument for lowering the drinking age somewhat hinges on the premise that binge drinking will lessen if we allow 18 years olds to have access to alcohol and introduce them into "adulthood." Furthermore these advocates say that the excitement of drinking would be taken away and thus a decrease in mass drinking. The opposite side says that this is ridiculous and will not help the situation. What implications are there if the drinking age is lowered? Is this a good idea? An irrelevent idea? Will underage teens drink anyway? Your thoughts.

Friday, September 5, 2008

A purpose seen

This past Sunday the ministry team I travel on was at a church in Tampa. This was the first time we were out since ending the summer at the beginning of August. It felt good to be back together and brought back fond memories of the summer (on which I plan to blog sometime).

It is amazing that before going into any situation (or service) God knows exactly what will happen. He knows exactly His plan and purpose. He knows what He is doing. Even though this was our first time back, and yes, a little rusty and at times confusing, God still worked through us. The songs we sang and played and a message preached by a VP of ours touched the hearts of these people at the right time. Sometimes its hard to express, but I believe we received genuine responses from people who needed this ministry at that very time. Of course, this ministry is the Lord's and it would be utterly sinful to take any glory (not to say that I never have). But it is fulfilling to know that we have been used of God in His purposes and for that I thank Him.